Multiple health issues vanished by switching to a raw food diet

Darby (6) a StaffordshireBull Terrier from the UK that started on a raw food diet 3 years old.
Owner: We adopted Darby from the Scottish Staffy Rescue when he was 1.5years old. We were given a list of foods he was allergic to ( these were mainly cereal based). We started feeding him a premium kibble with no cereals.
Darby however still continued to have frequent ear infections and various other allergic conditions/reactions. He was often on steroids and various medications for these. We switched to raw when he was 3. He is fed completes (via Paleoridge) morning and evening and given a small lunch of either a duck foot, duck neck, rib, chicken/duck wing etc. This past year we have also started adding golden paste, spirulina and kefir to his diet on a daily basis.

After Raw

Since starting him on raw he has not had a single ear infection. His skin condition has improved vastly. Darby was also prone to flatulence, and since starting a raw diet, this has completely disappeared. His coat, teeth, ears are all in beautiful condition. Starting a raw fed diet for Darby was the best decision I have ever made.
Darby’s page:

My Comment

Ear infections are one of the most common symptoms of an incomplete diet. These symptoms may arise from internal massive infections that the body can’t overcome with a normal immune reaction to toxins and chemicals. The elimination expands to the skin and often starts in the ears. By switching the food to a raw diet two main things are accomplished. The removal of the ‘bad stuff’ (kibble) and the replacement of the ‘good stuff (raw healthy food). The results can be quite amazing and quick in some dogs depending on how the immune system responds. Some dogs can take longer and also display a detox effect that can make things seem even worse for some time. The key is to battle it out since it will pass and the result is a healthy dog that will add years to his life and also reduce the risk of chronic diseases dramatically.